Savoury Almond Biscuits
Wild Rose TeamPartager
These savoury almond biscuits are a clever and delicious way to repurpose almond meal from homemade almond milk. When making almond milk, save up the almond meal in the freezer until you are ready to make the biscuits.
Combined with finely ground oats, eggs, and aromatic herbs and spices like fennel and rosemary, they’re packed with flavour. A touch of powdered chaga mushrooms adds a unique twist!
They are meant to be quite crumbly and solid. You can play around with the proportions to adjust the texture to your liking.
2 cups almond meal (leftover from making almond milk)
- 4 cups raw rolled oats (ground finer in the blender)
- 6 eggs
- 2 – 4 tbsp herbs and spices (fennel (50-70%), rosemary, thyme)
- 2 tbsp chaga mushrooms (finely powdered, or other medicinal mushrooms)
- 2 tbsp olive (or coconut) oil
1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl, and then place on a cutting board. Knead dough until it stays together.
2. Take the dough making a large tube “sausage” encased in food wrap about 75 – 100 mm (3 – 4 inches) in diameter and about 150 – 225 mm (6 – 9 inches) long. Leave sausage shaped dough in refrigerator overnight.
3. On the next day, cut the tube into cookie size 6 – 12 mm. (¼– ½ inches) thick. Cook in a preheated oven at 160°C (325°F) for about 45 – 60 min. They are great right out of the oven with butter on them.