Trousse D-Tox douce aux plantes
Trousse D-Tox douce aux plantes
Ce programme de 12 jours comprend :
Biliherbe – 48 comprimés
Clearaherbe – 48 comprimés
Laxaherbe doux – 48 comprimés
CL Liquide – 50 mL
Award Winning
Canadian Owned
Crafted in Canada
Ecologically Harvested
Herbalist Formulated
Plant Based
Découvrez les avantages
- Programme de nettoyage complet du corps de 12 jours
- Effet laxatif plus doux que le D-TOX aux plantes
- Livret d'aide à la désintoxication facile à suivre inclus
- 100% à base de plantes
- Formulé par le Dr Terry Willard, herboriste clinicien, Ph.D
- Favorise une digestion saine et encourage le transit intestinal
- Soulage à court terme la constipation occasionnelle
- Favorise la circulation périphérique
- Fournit des antioxydants qui protègent les cellules contre les dommages oxydatifs causés par les radicaux libres.
Utilisation recommandée
Adults: Take 2 tablets two times per day.
Adults: Take 2 tablets two times per day.
Gentle Laxaherb
Adults: Take 4 tablets at bedtime two to three times per week. If results are not observed, the frequency of use may be increased up to once daily.
CL Liquid
Adults: Take 2 mL twice per day.
All formulas:
Take a few hours before or after taking other medications or natural health products.
Do not take with highly acidic foods (e.g. citrus fruits and juice) or medications, which may acidify urine.
Allow at least 6 to 12 hours for laxative effect to occur.
Ingrédients médicinaux:
Chaque comprimé contient
Radis (Raphanus sativus)(racine) 109 mg
Épine-vinette (Berberis vulgaris) (écorce de racine) 82,7 mg
Persil (Petroselinum crispum) (racine) 52,8 mg
Gingembre (Zingiber officinale) (rhizome) 46,4 mg
Pissenlit (Taraxacum officinale) (racine) 36,4 mg
Guimauve (Althaea officinalis) (racine) 36,4 mg
Matricaire camomille (Matricaria chamomilla) (fleur) 35 mg
Ingrédients non médicinaux:
Croscarmellose de sodium, Phosphate de dicalcium dihydraté, Stéarate de magnésium, Cellulose microcristalline, Amidon de riz, Acide stéarique
Ingrédients médicinaux :
Chaque comprimé contient
Uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) (feuille) 150 mg
Bardane (Arctium lappa) (racine) 65 mg
Échinacée (Echinacea angustifolia) (racine) 65 mg
Guimauve (Althaea officinalis) (racine) 65 mg
Persil (Petroselinum crispum) (partie aérienne) 65 mg
Ingrédients non médicinaux:
Croscarmellose de sodium, Phosphate de dicalcium dihydraté, Stéarate de magnésium, Cellulose microcristalline, Poudre de fleurs de trèfle rouge, Amidon de riz, Acide stéarique
Ingrédients médicinaux :
Chaque comprimé contient
Nerprun (Rhamnus cathartica) (écorce) 120 mg
Patience crépue (Rumex crispus) (racine) 120 mg
Rhubarbe (Rheum palmatum) (racine) 105 mg
Gingembre (Zingiber officinale) (rhizome) 48 mg
Fenouil amer (Foeniculum vulgare subsp. vulgare var. vulgare) (graine) 42 mg
Épine-vinette (Berberis vulgaris) (écorce de racine) 42 mg
Framboisier (Rubus idaeus) (feuille) 30 mg
Piment de Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) (Fruit) 12 mg
Ingrédients non médicinaux:
Croscarmellose de sodium, Phosphate de dicalcium dihydraté, Stéarate de magnésium, Cellulose microcristalline, Amidon de riz, Acide stéarique
Ingrédients médicinaux :
Chaque ml contient
Extrait d'uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) 0,4 ml (1:2 équivalant à 200 mg de feuille séchée)
Extrait de bardane (Arctium lappa) 0,2 ml (1:4 équivalant à 50 mg de racine séchée)
Extrait de genévrier (Juniperus communis) 0,1 ml (1:4 équivalant à 25 mg de fruit séché)
Extrait de réglisse (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 0,1 ml (1:4 équivalant à 25 mg de racine séchée)
Ingrédients non médicinaux:
Extrait de soie de maïs, Éthanol, Eau
Questions fréquemment posées
What makes the Gentle D-Tox Kit different from the Herbal D-Tox Kit?
The Gentle D-Tox is a mild detox cleanse gently formulated for sensitive stomachs. Great for those who already have 3 bowel movements a day or looser stools and do not need the stronger laxative support; as well as those who tend to struggle with bloating and abdominal discomfort and prefer a gentle full body cleanse.
When should I use the Gentle D-tox kit?
The Gentle D-tox Kit may be used any time of year, with Spring and Fall being the most recommended.
Have the herbal formulas in the Gentle D-tox changed since they were last on the market?
Minor changes have been made to the formulas as follows.
CL Liquid: Yarrow was removed.
Clearaherb: Formula name change (previously known as Cleansaherb), and Mullein was removed.
Gentle Laxaherb: Now in an easy to digest tablet format.
Are there any contra-indications to taking the Gentle D-tox Kit?
Do not use the Gentle D-tox Kit if you: are pregnant or breastfeeding; are taking thiazide diuretics, cardiac glycosides, corticosteroids, stimulant laxatives or other medications which may aggravate electrolyte imbalance; have hypokalemia, high or low blood pressure, kidney or liver disorder, cardiovascular disorder, diabetes, or edema (swelling of hands, face and feet), or are taking products containing diuretics or licorice; have abnormal constrictions of the gastrointestinal tract, potential or existing intestinal blockage, atonic bowel, appendicitis, inflammatory colon disease such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, abdominal pain of unknown origin, undiagnosed rectal bleeding, severe dehydration with depleted water or electrolytes or diarrhea; or have bile duct obstruction.
Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you: have gall bladder diseases, intestinal obstruction, faecal impaction or symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or fever, a gastrointestinal tract disorder, symptoms of intestinal spasms, stomach ulcers or inflammation, painful urination (dysuria), spasms, or blood in urine, a progressive systemic disease such as tuberculosis, collagenosis, multiple sclerosis, AIDS and/or HIV infection or an auto-immune disorder; or are taking medications to suppress the immune system (immunosuppressive medications) or antiarrhythmic medications.