Red Clover
Herbal Action: Alterative, antispasmodic, expectorant, nutritive.
Medical Research/Uses:
The straight botanical is an excellent remedy for children with skin problems and may be safely used in any case of childhood eczema. It is of particular benefit for children with eczema/asthma syndrome. The expectorant and antispasmodic actions of this remedy give it a role in the treatment of coughs and bronchitis, but
particularly in whooping cough. A syrup made from the infusion relieves stubborn, dry coughs. It is also specific for drippy, irritable coughs. The fresh, crushed flowers can be applied to bites and stings; the tincture in water may be used as an
eyewash for conjunctivitis. An infusion of the flowers can be applied as a douche to relieve vaginal itching.
Many contemporary herbalists use red clover as an alterative, especially when glands are encysted, as well as encysting of cancer. Red clover has a special affinity for the single glands in the neck. It also has an affinity for the salivary gland, and is used by the homeopaths for mumps.