Wood Betony

Herbal Action: Tonic, alterative, astringent

Medical Research/Uses:

Orally, betony is used for diarrhea, stress and tension, headache, epilepsy, facial pain, as an expectorant for cough, bronchitis, asthma, as an antiflatulent, and as a sedative. It has also been employed to treat heartburn, gout, nervousness, bladder and kidney stones (nephrolithiasis), and for bladder inflammation.

In combination with other herbs, betony is used to treat neuralgia and anxiety.

As an aromatic, it has also astringent and alterative action, and combined with other remedies is used as a tonic in dyspepsia and as an alterative in rheumatism, scrofula, and impurities of the blood.

Additional Information

Part Used: The whole herb


Specific for digestion, liver and spleen as a tonic. Also used for respiratory conditions.